Friday, August 19, 2022


Dreams can give us an inkling as to information coming from an otherwise “Unknowable Field.”

The soul is connected to this 99 percent realm and to nourish itself it visits there, when we sleep. It communicates about these visits, information, experiences and awarenesses in what we call dreams. 
The sages taught that even if we did not have sacred texts we could be guided to the 99 percent hidden world by our dreams”.

The Zohar

Dream Interpretation

This can be relatively easy. One should not have to have a PhD. In psychology to be able interpret scripted dreams. Your guides will want to find the clearest and easiest way to inform in a way that you can understand with your own unique receptivity. They also know what that is. One has to ask from the dream and those who sent it: “What are you trying to tell me?” 

I frequently get my messages in metaphor, symbols, sentences, words or a song. On rare occasions – the “Big” dreams as nightmares, an apparition or like acts in a play. An apparition in a dream to me is usually a warning of something drastic that will come soon. 

Yours’ will probably differ but it is useful to categorize the dream.

There are three ways to look at the dream: 

The form of the dream 

The message they are trying to convey

 The sensory aspects of the dream.


The Form

Your own particular form may not fit any of these. 

“Big” dreams can be like acts in a play showing you exactly how things are going to “play” out. These are usually prophetic.

I used to think that anything that I had experienced in the last 72 hours on T.V. or in conversation did not count but it may. Your guides are just as likely to use a recent, appropriate message or image to help you. If you have just been watching scenes from a tsunami on T.V. and dream that night that you are in one fighting for your life it may mean the current business proposition you are about to sign is going to “drown” you. Or if you are watching scenes of an earthquake and you are thinking of purchasing a house - and you dream that the house is being covered by a mud slide – it may mean this purchase is going to bury you. 

Sometimes we just wake up with a sense of clarity or the answer to a question that was perplexing us. Your guides may have copied and pasted the answer into your dream psyche for you that night. 

Some folks do not dream but they get intuitive hits while awake especially in a relaxed alfa state. Guides can just as easily copy and paste in awake time too. We should acknowledge our guides with gratitude rather than take credit for the wisdom.

Sometimes we dream our power animals (domestic or wild) that come to support us especially when we are in need. The “wild” ones may come as a metaphor to suite your particular need in that moment. 

Our guides can also manipulate these animals to us in real time as well. They will usually be behaving in an unusual way; a butterfly landing on your head, a humming bird circling around you, a raptor sitting in a tree nearby looking at you. Encountering a rattlesnake on one’s path when awake or in a dream may be a warning if poisonous, an empowerment if not.

Aboriginal peoples dream land and seascapes that tell them about the earth changes that are escalating around them and their dwindling habitats. The Native Americans have been warning us about the “red skies” that are to come and that now are here.

We may get a song in the dream where the words are exactly what we need to know. Words or phrases can guide us or the looking up of a biblical quote, … chapter x verse y – concise in the dream but too complicated in the verse to be scripted. Sometimes we may get a song in a dream and words of the song are the message. Messages in “tongues” require trying as best we can to translate it. 

We also dream travel in the Astral and visit alternative vibrations, parallel universes and even past lives. We meet people we know in the dream but not in real time. Tibetan Buddhists teach that our Astral dreams help us to access our past lives and “Store-Consciousness“ and help us to better correct our karma. They help us to pierce the veil of Maya (illusion) and guide us away from our dysfunctions by seeing who we are or have been more clearly.


The Message they are trying to convey.

Essentially guides come to warn, nudge, instruct, teach or empower and even “visit” on special occasions. There are dreams that are important and we do not know what they mean but they still need to be attended. They should be recorded so that one can retrieve them when the right time arises. There is no time on the other side of the veil and a recent dream may turn out to have significant meaning years later. Therefore there is a huge benefit in keeping a dream journal which for some is probably easier to use at night than a smartphone.

The way you drive a car in your dream is the way they perceive you are driving your life at that moment. If you are in the passenger seat or worse still at the back or the car is out of control they are telling you something. Maybe you are driving a model that you had many years ago which may signify you are stuck with some unskillful behavior in the past. If the car feels too small for you then it may be time to move on to higher aspirations. If its large and luxurious you may be coming into your true power  or maybe, are being too hung up on material desires. Your heart will tell you which it is.        

Be careful of saying “only a dream.” Until your dream practice is solid its best to record everything in detail and then decide later if it has merit or not.

We can be psychic in our dreams in different ways We can see, hear and feel things we normally would not be able to realize. Dreams can be telepathic or precognitive and even life-saving. Our sense of ego is less present in the dream time.    


Sensory aspects 

Sensory aspects magnify the power and importance of the dream no matter what its interpretation. If the dream is luminous, numinous or has tremendous intensity it is likely to be a “Big” dream. 

Sometimes there may be vibratory kundalini-like energy moving in the body especially up the spine indicating that you are awakening the snake. This may be a sign of some form of initiation

There may be no actual dream but just a sense of something light or dark, good or bad relating to the kind of spiritual energy presiding and whether it is supportive or intrusive. If the latter and it is repetitive you might want to get spiritual help. 


Other dream forms that should get our immediate attention.

The Nightmare. A fear inducing nightmare can be a warning of what is to come unless action is taken. A nightmare may not feel like it – but it is a good dream. The message is overstated to get your attention. The intensity and theme of the dream will usually tell you what to do. 

The recurring dream. If one is getting a recurring dream it means there is something really important that has not been attended. One may need expert help in finding out what it is if one is not sure.

The visitation. Visitations occur outside of the dream state and are propagated by special purpose.

Using other channels or “getting your mail” or you getting someone else’s mail. Sometimes we get a dream for someone else or vice versa.  It is critical that “we pass the mail or the message on” in a skillful way. If you dream that a friend may have cancer phrase it very carefully. The dream could be wrong or even scripted by a trickster to ruin your friendship or discredit you. You are obligated to give them the mail so maybe say; “I had this weird dream about you – it may be nothing but maybe you need to see your physician – it seemed there could be something wrong in your …” 


Summary of above


Spirits use the easiest channels and preset symbols.


Dreams cannot easily be called but it is possible to ask to receive.


Beware the interpretation which sets intention and action.


Dreams reveal truths but also untruths. Dreams hold the possibility of pollution. This is why your guides may use complex metaphors to bypass the dream hackers.


Visitations are not dreams but visits and require tremendous energy on behalf of the guide. They are occasions for celebration and gratitude.


Free will rules but dreams tell us “what to see – not what must be.” The outcome can be avoided if we take action.


The veil between worlds opens closer to death. 


Dreams help us understand our past lives and work out our karma by being able to check into other locas or parallel universes in the astral.

The veil between the worlds is the most permeable in the early hours of the morning in R.E.M. sleep. Most of us do not dream in deep (delta rhythm) sleep. Your “prayer” or request for a dream is best made just before falling asleep. We have to ask to receive and because our guides are bound by the cosmic law of free will, we have to be very specific. 

A spirit guide altar is worthwhile in order to ask to receive as well as give gratitude if one receives. 

We should keep completely still after waking so that we can slowly retrieve the dream. If we reach for our dream journal or smart phone to record, it will usually “escape.” Its best to memorize it before moving, repeat it several times to oneself in as much detail as possible and only then record it when the dream memory is secure.


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