Sunday, December 11, 2022



The menu is only the menu.
It offers, it describes, it suggests.
When the meal arrives do not put it aside.
Absorb the reality of your choice
If you do not taste the nature of God in your selection, you must choose another dish, if indeed you desire to be for the Infinite One, all that S/He is for you.
For although the Creator’s breath will be present, His presence will not manifest for you.
You need to choose the offering He has prepared especially and selectively for you.


The Hero/ine’s journey can be a part of finding our destiny and who we truly are. The search for one’s destiny has to do with congruence when emotions and their expression match and behavior arises from the root of our being. When we sing our own song and do not do things for others’ approval. Soul, heart and intellect are congruent.

Following one’s destiny is also about trust and surrender. Surrender is about giving in to something much bigger than one's self (as in the little self.) It involves flexibility, fearing less, letting go, being in the flow, not grasping, non-attachment and connecting with the Field and the help it can give us.


“The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf.” 

Shakti Gawain


“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” Patanjali 


When you feel compelled and not commanded it will be as you thought it would be but not as you feared it might.
When you respond from within all will unfold as it should from without.
You will know that the veil is illusory and you will lack for nothing.


When you are compelled rather than commanded you will no longer need teachers and sages for you will know naturally. 
It is written on your heart. 
When you keep the commitment because you love not because you obey you will no longer need teachers and sages urging you to perform and refrain – you will do so naturally.
It is the way of the heart. 
It is the heart’s wisdom and understanding that delights itself in the Creator.


Look carefully to what you aspire, cherish and guard so as not to squander your gifts nor lose your heritage. 


By going back to our earlier, especially teenage years, or some prior warrior journeys we may discover that the dream or that aha we wanted for ourselves was put aside because of external pressures. This dream could well have been connected to our destiny and our heart’s desire.


The sages teach that all that happens; happens as it must.
What occurs cannot occur contrary to the conditions of its occurring or contrary to its nature.
A cedar tree does not spring from an acorn.


Of all the teachings the Ancestors have given us, many focus on our being true to our Self’s preordained mission. Others may want to tell you to be an "oak tree" which bears fruit rather than the "cedar tree" that you were created for.

Anything or anybody who does not make you more of who we are makes you less of who we are.


The focus is on becoming more of who you are.

You must free yourself to be yourself.
Do not take on what is not yours to take on.

If you will not be you who then will be? 

Be patient with yourself, kind to yourself and release yourself from what you are not accountable. Do not be captive to the demands of false duty.

God most delights when you, are most you, when you are being most yourself.


If you do not be you, then whoever will be?


Look carefully to what you aspire, cherish and guard so as not to squander your gifts nor lose your heritage.

Dance to the beat of your very own drum and no one else's.


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