Sunday, June 4, 2023



“No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.” Einstein

If you wish for things to be other than they are, do not try to change the things themselves but rather the circumstances that give rise to them - looking first to one’s internal conditions for therein is where change in the external begins.


The more we embrace the Subconscious the more it will embrace us. We become what we immerse while the immersion lasts. It remembers all – the negative and the positive! 

Intention is not enough, attention must be manifested for the actualizing.


The subconscious controls our lives and this very much depends not only on our innate nature but also our conditioning. The subconscious is affected by many factors including; our parenting, schooling, the influence of our peers, culture, religion and circumstances. Some of us are more positively or negatively inclined than others. Our subconscious is always operating in the background and frequently determines what we do and how we actually will behave. 

Monkey Mind influences our subconscious. We must control the mind and not let the mind control us. Monkey mind with the sympathetic flight of fight response helps to keep us safe but it must not dominate. 

The subconscious is subject to Narrow Mind’s domination as well as prior experiences and life times, both good and bad.

The mind must mind what the mind minds best. 


This depends on what “mind” we are talking about, Narrow (Monkey) Mind or Spacious Mind? Spacious Mind holds our higher consciousness and is situated in the prefrontal lobe of the brain. Narrow Mind must subordinate to Spacious Mind for the imagination and the subconscious to be primed positively.


Narrow Mind is suspicious of imagination as being frivolous and misleading while Spacious Mind cultivates imagination to expand the realm of the possible and enter its realities.


Narrow mind is easily negatively influenced and shuts out the Field and Divine connection. Spacious Mind is in touch with all possibilities and the Field.


"Procedural memory" concerns the things we do automatically when they become engrained in both our conscious and subconscious minds. Procedural memory can be efficient but it also has its dark side, in terms of our unskillful habits. 

Habit is also a function of the subconscious. Thoughts bubble up from this "basement" of our being and these influence our actions. 

The subconscious and our conscious are both subject to Narrow (Monkey) or Spacious Mind thoughts. Thoughts are being recorded by the subconscious all the time. The subconscious records everything impartially without editing. It has no sense of humor. 

Don’t get angry at something you cannot change. Plant good seeds in the garden of your mind. Stay positive, avoid negative responses for instance; “I never want to be sick” is not a skillful affirmation. It should be, “I always want to be healthy.” Alternatively squash a thought or speech if it contains a negative.

The Subconscious is sensitive to suggestion but this must be implanted with the will of the Conscious. Once accepted, whether true or false, it's impregnated.  

While awake we create our own reality unknowingly through our subconscious. Negative statements once seated in the background of the subconscious will execute. The subconscious just accepts whether true or not. Our thoughts go back to us like the reflection from a mirror. They are self- reflective! We become our thoughts as they indoctrinate our subconscious. 

Negative thoughts and words can also pollute the soul. 


“We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.” The Talmud


“Do not ‘weigh,’ a soul that weighs suffers harm. The Talmud

Imaging can prime our subconscious positively or negatively.

Imaging is soul talk and brings intention into being. It is not easy to get out of the mind's way.

Coue’ taught that the relationship between conscious and the subconscious should not be in conflict or we get the opposite of what we desire. There must always be consensus between the two consciousnesses. If we believe that money is the root of all evil we will not be able to attract wealth until we change the program in our subconscious. If the subconscious is imprinted that wealth is bad or not spiritual we attract the opposite by the Law of Reverse Effort.


 The Law of Reversed Effort; you get the opposite of what you pray for if the Conscious and Subconscious are not in agreement.


The Subconscious has all the know-how for desired effectiveness but is sabotaged by doubt and incompatible directives.


 Cou’e also describes this dynamic in his Plank theory.

Imagination imprinted by the subconscious will overcome desire.


“When your desires and imagination are in conflict, your imagination will prevail.” E. Coue’

Suppose that we place on the ground a plank 30 feet long by 1 foot wide. It is evident that everybody will be capable of going from one end to the other of this plank without stepping over the edge. But change the conditions of the experiment, and imagine this plank placed at the height of the towers of a cathedral. Who then will be capable of advancing even a few feet along this narrow path? ...

Herein lies the wisdom of “do not look down!” because doing so would magnify one’s imagination of what could happen, making falling even more likely. There are a few who are conditioned differently, who would walk with impunity across the plank, probably because of their skill and because they were taught from a young age not to have limitations.

"Judge not that you not be judged, for what measure you judge you will be judged and for what measure you mete it will be measure to you again."


What Matthew taught has merit not only on a karmic and spiritual level but also in the way we program our subconscious. Judgmental thoughts also imprint our subconscious and will return to us and negatively impact progress. Negative thoughts can backfire and come back to haunt us from our subconscious . We need to wish people well or or at least be neutrally non-judgmental. 

Moreover, we should not condemn ourselves or let others condemn us.


“Just as it's presumptuous to put ourselves above others, so is it pretentious to put ourselves below them.” Unknown


Be patient with yourself, kind to yourself and, above all, release yourself from what you are not accountable.

Do not believe in anything that can hurt or harm you. Believe in goodness and truth.

“Self-condemnation strengthens guilt which is one of the greatest obstacles on the path of realization.” Sri Swami Rama

The subconscious is more vulnerable to positive suggestions around sleep and in a meditative state when the conscious is on hold. Our subconscious has a direct effect on the Law of Attraction and whether we attract or repel.

A simple act of kindness opens a spigot for more kindness to flow into all our levels of experience which empowers others who experience it.

Just as positive thoughts create positive vibrations and the Law of Attraction, the opposite is true for negative or toxic ones. Our unskillful and toxic thoughts and actions include those arising out of our desires, compulsions, habits or addictions as well as from anger, hatred, malice, and the desire for vengeance. They create a lack of coherence within us, outside of us and beyond the veil between the worlds. If you think good of others you think good of yourself and vice versa. What you talk about or do to others you do to yourself.

“Malice sucks up the greater part of her own venom and poisons herself.” Montaigne


Anger and hatred are like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” The Buddha

“Hatred does not cease thru hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable law.”  The Buddha

Wish people well and good returns to you.

Don't condemn others who are rich or lucky – honest or dishonest. 

Do not covet or judge. You cannot attract what you condemn.

Concerning wealth or health; a feeling or a thought of either gives more, or less of either depending on the feeling.

We need to reprogram the things we fear the most. Positive suggestion works positively and negative suggestion negatively. Never say I can't! Do not disbelieve or deny - but rather dare.

Prime Spacious Mind with noble ideas and plans. Dwell on these.

Put Narrow Mind on hold. And then maybe...

“Surely goodness and truth will follow me all the days of my life.”  Psalms


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