Saturday, August 12, 2023


“For evil to triumph it is only necessary that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke

          COUNTER MEASURES AND REMEDIES                            FOR WITHIN AND WITHOUT                

 Everything is a test of our spiritual fortitude and how well we rise up to the dark challenges that confront us whether from within or without.

You are free always to change course at any time or place; if you were not, there would be no challenge, no discovery, no victory, no fulfillment.

Joseph Campbell confirms that the cave we fear to enter holds the treasure we seek, as do the Ancestors...

Your teaching is in the shadow of your experiences.

It is possible convert transgressions into merits.

Be careful of what you taste and in what you immerse. 
And as for your power what are you doing in the wrong circle!

The dark forces will use small annoyances to deter and have you quibble and complain – perhaps not overtly but within your spirit. Think of something that makes your heart sure and glad that can bring you back to equanimity. The dark forces are most helpless in the face of love and laughter.

 Anger, hatred, malice, envy and the desire for vengeance are Self-reflective (as in Higher Self) and mirror back to us.

God asks not that we struggle to overcome evil but that we seek, invite and nurture goodness. We are not here to revile and escape the world but rather to reveal and glory in its wonders. 

The best defense is no defense but rather be so strong in positive loving action and intent that there is no room for anything else.

We need to take the darkness and turn it into light. To take our suffering or that of others and make something useful out of it. This requires loving service.

If you would dispel the darkness, seek the sacred.

... What counts is to restrain the blaze in the hours of desire (or challenge) and let it flow into the hours of prayer and service...” The Talmud

 Patience in the presence of evil. Patience is not passive. On the contrary it exercises disciplined energy to act with undemanding trustfulness, steadfast intent and unrestrained willingness while awaiting hoped-for response and desired outcome. Have patience for the prospect of love.

It is good to have the patience with the darkness knowing the light will reappear. It is better to see the light behind the darkness – this is seen with the eyes of hope and imagination.

This too will pass. Hang in there.

Hold tight, hang lose, like boughs in the breeze, the wind or the gale. 

“No matter how long the night, the dawn is sure to come.”             African proverb

Find joy and gratitude in hidden recesses.

Love, laughter and song chase away the dark forces and all that is dreaded from your nights and days.

“Never yield to weariness of spirit. At times the world’s cares and distractions will intrude and the spirit will become weak. At times like this carry on and soon the spirit will become strong again. God’s spirit is always with you to replenish and renew... When you are overcome by temporary conditions which you cannot control keep quiet and wait for the power of spirit to flow back.” 24 hours a day

Music and the right sound repel dark forces. They cannot abide that a high vibration. The same is true for incense which acts as a spiritual "shower" and repels tricksters.

Sound is not just important but crucial in breaking down or chasing away resistances. Sound shatters and crumbles barriers to the mind and heart. Sound speaks to one's vibrations. 

One of the best ways to cleanse and clear oneself of the cloyingness of dark forces is to dispel or change the effects of their energy with sound


Sound shatters and crumbles resistance to the mind and heart. Sound speaks to one’s vibrations. 

Blowing the ram’s horn or a similar sound can shatter or break the attachments of the body to cravings, so the soul can come back and cleave to the flesh.

From the sound of my sighing has my essence (soul), returned to my flesh (body.)

Music with the right vibration is critical. Anything with a low vibration will attract the dark forces.

"If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish the answer.” Confucius


“So it came about that whenever the evil spirit from God came to Saul, David would take his harp and play it with his hand and Saul would be refreshed and be well and the evil spirit would depart from him.” Samuel


”The incense offering is the most potent antidote against evil forces and it is important to chant before making the incense offering for the power of song draws forth the soul of the plants and herbs be they still growing or cut and dried.  The Zohar

One can combine all these factors while immersing in a sacred bath. Enhance the vibration of water using prayer, music or chants while burning incense and placing something sacred in the water such as a plant of spiritual power like sage or cedar. One can enhance the senses at the same time by imbibing some good wine or a piece of chocolate. You can even put a teaspoon of red wine in the water to symbolize the blood sacrifice you are making on behalf of the light.

Coherence - Numbers count.

Group meditations, healings and prayers for peace can be more powerful in a group setting. The sum of the parts becomes greater than the whole. Coherence occurs not only inside the practitioner but beyond him or her and even cosmically. 
Indigenous societies do healing rituals in community for good reason. It can help to be part of a spiritual community rather than going it alone depending on the integrity, intention and vibration of that community.

Seek help from your guides and the Creator – ask to receive.


“Sometimes I go about pitying myself and all the time I am being carried on great winds across the sky.” Ojibway saying


If you walk with your ancestors and guides you will take an abundance of powerful forces with you. They will dispel and neutralize and shed and shade the negative ones that await. Also, additional positive forces will await you there. Your power will illuminate and you will be protected.


Actually, no defense is needed in the face of total surrender to the Divine despite the intensity of the attack, temptation or persuasiveness.
If commitment to the light is total then the dark forces cannot prevail



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