Sunday, November 5, 2023






We are all made in the image of the Divine, with a pure soul. We see this in the innocence of a child before they become acculturated. We are a microscopic chip of the Creator, a tiny holographic imprint of the Supreme Being. Each one of us is important and has meaning in the grand scope of the cosmos.


“Before the soul enters this world it is conducted through all worlds. Last of all it is shown the first light which when the world was created illuminated all things and which God removed when humankind grew corrupt. Why is the soul shown this light? So that from that hour on it may yearn to attain the light and approach it rung by rung.” Talmud


The Talmud is referring to the rungs on the “ladder” of the Tree of Life. Our purpose is to get to the Crown or Keter and find our true place with the Creator; “I am that I am” i.e. coming into direct recognition that we are made in the image of the Divine - a form of Union with the Infinite One or the Unity Consciousness - the Oneness Experience or non duality in Yoga. Words cannot explain. My sense is that everyones' experience will be different.

All the talents of God are within you.
 How could this be otherwise when your soul is derived from His genes!” 


The light of the Creator brought forth in the instant of creation shines into time and timelessness and space and spacelessness. This light is beheld by the soul and compels full knowledge of itself but is usually hidden behind the glitter of what attracts ego.


“In every person there is something precious which is in no-one else. And so we should honor each for what is hidden within them for what only they have.” Talmud


“… Each soul makes Two agreements upon entering the world. The first binds the individual to a distinct destiny that becomes the soul’s great project in life. 

The second entangles each person in the limitations of fate and responsibilities for family and community. While all second agreements can be renegotiated, the first is non-negotiable.” Michael Meade


Negotiating the rungs should also ideally be tied to that unique destiny given to us by the Creator so that we can help to perfect His/Her creation. This is about giving of ourselves. By doing this we increase our divine given capacity.

We think that in the natural way of things, what we give lessens our supply. The soul does not work this way - with the soul, giving increases.


“The souls of people on their way to earth-life pass through a room full of lights. Each takes a taper, often only a spark to guide it in the dim country of this world. But some souls by rare fortune are detained longer and have time to grasp a handful of tapers which they weave into a torch. 

These are the torchbearers of humanity – its poets, seers and saints who lead and lift the race out of darkness towards the light. They are the law givers and saviors, the light bringers, way showers and truth tellers and without them humanity would lose its way in the dark.” Plato


Many of these light bearers are the ones who help us navigate our spiritual transformations.

We are all made in the image of the Supreme Being and each one of us has a special task to do in order to heal the world (Tikun Olam in Kabbalah.) This is the basis of Karma (service oriented) yoga - what we can each do for any or all of the Four Beings of Natures - Still, Growing, Wild (includes domestic beings that were once wild) and the Talking Beings. 

“The worship most pleasing to God is service to others.” L. Boff

"We are on earth to help others; what on earth others are here for, I do not know." W.H. Auden

In connecting with the breath we can connect with the Creator. The soul and the breath are pure. The energies that surround the soul such as; ego, monkey mind and shadow may not be pure. These can repel the soul or divorce it from the sentient body, if our intention, choices, and actions are impure. 


“The soul is pure …” Rev Nachman

“…What is God? The breath inside the breath.” Kabir


Source of my power the breath you have given me, the breath you have given me is pure.


Flame of the Infinite One is the Soul Breath of the human.


A river arose out of Eden forming Four Rivers and Four Winds which animate all of creation. The Zohar


The breath that is in all beings emanates from the sacred well-spring  forming a singular spirit which animates all creation.

The Infinite One wants a personal relationship with us all. It is said that God is playing hide and seek but no-one wants to play because the rules, though simple, are difficult. 

"Search for me and you will find me, 

seek me with all your heart and I will let you find me." Jeremiah

It will be given to you according to; 

the measure of your humility, 

the measure of your love 

and the measure of your faith. 

You will be filled according to your emptiness.
The doorway to presence is openness.

You are much more than you know but only what you have learned with your heart does God manifest in you.
You are a wave of God's ocean, a ray of His/Her sunlight, alive with His breath.
It is not enough for you to know your source and substance.
You must be the source and substance.
This is your soul's wisdom that surpasses all understanding.

God's "voice" is heard in stillness - in a receptive, silent, inner, meditative state. It is not heard as a trumpeting sound but like a whisper on the wind. We are all capable of hearing it depending on the level of our vibration. 

If we are doing God's work we are connected to Him - known or unknown, present or felt to be absent - we are not alone.

The life breath of the human is the Flame of the Infinite One searching through the chambers of our core.


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