Sunday, March 24, 2024



The mystery invites us to surrender to what is inexplicable, to what we cannot really know and yet how the not knowing fills us with wonder and awe

We are not limited by the laws of the natural world. We are subject to, but not constrained by them.

"Miracles happen not in opposition to nature but in opposition to what we know about nature." Augustine of Hippo

"There are two ways live your life. One that nothing is a miracle and the other that everything is." A. Einstein

Spiritual practice should help us find our mission, purpose and destiny  or archetype. This is at the heart of the hero/ine’s journey. If we lose our self, as in the little self or ego, we can find our Self (Jesus) as in the True Self. Connecting with Self is not selfish – quite the contrary. It will lead us to better serving others and the planet.

You must free yourself to be your Self.
Do not be captive to the demands of false duty.

Release yourself from what you are not accountable.

 Be attentive only to the responsibility of what compels.
Bestow blessings, refuse burdens.
What makes you beholden enslaves you.
What makes you grateful blesses you.
What you touch, touches you. 

What you let touch you, enhances or diminishes. 

Anything or anybody who does not make you more of who you are, makes you less of who you are. 

Life is really all about healing the planet and the Four Beings of nature be they Still, Growing, Wild (and domestic) or Talking. At the end of the day its about helping others.

"We are here to help others. What on earth other are here for I do not know." W. Auden

In other words Karma Yoga - service oriented yoga - the Mother Theresa archetype. 

Isaac Luria, a 16th century Kabbalist, teaches us about Creation and the shells, shards or husks that contain Holy sparks arising from Kabbalah's Contraction or Tzimtzum. This process has been likened to the Big Bang. Its understanding can help us recognize that all living and inanimate things contain holy sparks. Everything that we encounter contains Holy Sparks waiting to be liberated from their husks. How we do this is through mindful living and by practicing random acts of kindness in all that we do. Depending on our intention, our actions can release these Holy Sparks from their husks. We need to go back to the Beginning, the Big Bang  and Luria's explanation of how creation came about to explain what he meant.


In brief. "After the initial expansion, the universe cooled sufficiently to allow the formation of subatomic particles, and later simple atoms. Giant clouds of these primordial elements later coalesced through gravity in halos of dark matter, eventually forming the stars and galaxies visible today."


Prior to Creation, there was only the Light of Infinity filling all existence within the "Waste and Void - a wild, chaotic potential also thought of as a murky 
emptiness out of which creation took place."

"The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters." Genesis.

According to Kabbala, creation occurred in three stages.

The mysterious void place - that if filled only with God nothing could exist and if empty of God nothing could exist. Hence it is sufficiently empty of God to allow for the possibility of existence and filled with God to allow for the actual happening of existence.


As above, the Creator had to contract Him/Herself in order to enter the potential space required for creation to take place

Contraction describes the first step in the process in which God began the process of creation by withdrawing His total essence but inserting just enough of it to allow for Creation.  

At that time vessels were created in the empty space. The Creator poured His Light, the "Light of Infinity" into themThese vessels contained the Holy Sparks of creation. However, they were not strong enough to hold the light. They shattered and were carried downwards, held within these husks. 

It is said that through this light He emanated, created, formed and actualized the multiverse through the Ten Sephirot (energy centers) of the Tree of Life. 


Were a consequence of the Light of Infinity required for creation being introduced within the "Waste and Void." This occurred in a relatively tiny space, in a split second but the vessels of creation could not contain the power of that Light. This "Shattering" has been  compared to the Big Bang. The shards or shells (Klippot) which contained and held the Holy Sparks of creation represent the archetype of evil. Every particle in our physical universe, every structure and all beings have shells or husks containing sparks of holiness (Think of the nutritive value of a nut being held in its shell. The shell has to be broken in order to release the nut i.e. the Holy Sparks.) 

This is not unlike the Zen Buddhist approach to doing everything that they do with mindful excellence.


is the liberation of these concealed divine sparks exiled from creation during the Shattering of the Vessels. 

Our task, according to Luria, is to release each spark from the shell and raise it up, ultimately to return it to its original state. The way these sparks are raised are through acts of loving kindness, of being in harmony with the universe, and through higher awareness. It is our mission in this world, (the world of repair,) to uncover these holy sparks and release them back to their source. 

"There is no sphere of existence, including organic and inorganic nature, that is not full of holy sparks which are mixed in with the kelippot (shells, husks) and need to be separated from them and lifted up.”  Isaac Luria

“The strength of the forces of holiness and the destruction of the shells or husks that imprison holy sparks depends upon joy.

"Joy is not incidental to your spiritual practice, it is vital."

  Rev Nachman

Where there is joy, there is light. Where there is gratitude there is light.

“Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.” 

Teilhard de Chardin

Joy is a strong word and implies something greater that happiness, equanimity, serenity, inner peace, harmony or balance. Spiritual practice can help us to "repair the world" with any of these qualities and through a greater mindfulness.

Practicing random acts of kindness is empowered by gratitude which can create equanimity. 

We all have a vital role to play in the ongoingness of creation. 

Magical powers are not necessary for this to happen and can be a distraction if they are not used for this healing.

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