Saturday, March 9, 2024



These maps to spirit give us an idea as to where we have been, where we are now and where we want to go.

Each experience is a moment between moments, a dancing in the mystery of the void
…. where one encounters the Source of power.

In a prior blog we talked about the Oneness Experience or Unity Consciousness and how it resembles Maslow's Peak Experience. In addition there are others effects that indicate we are attaining some degree  of mastery.


Apart from these phenomena mentioned in the prior blog; (heat, vibrational energy, creeping sensations, tingling - usually rising up the spine, light experiences, inner sounds, smells, an empty mind, transcendence, being transported beyond oneself, feelings of intense love, empathy, compassion, out of body experiences, spontaneous movements, paranormal powers, paralysis, fallingshamanic states, connecting with spirit guides or ancestors et al ...) There also may be: 

Becoming, Self Realization/Enlightenment.

For the yogi or others committed to spiritual transformation Self-

realization, Enlightenment or Becoming (a term the Ancestors prefer) 

is of major import.


This especially applies to shamanic rites of passage. 

In indigenous communities the energy is channeled for initiation of the 

shaman with the use of entheogens (especially in the Americas) or 

with drumming and dancing (especially in sub 

saharan Africa.) 

Magical powers.

Magical abilities including control of fire (that goes beyond fire 

walking) and shape shifting are usually unique to shamans in 

indigenous cultures and Eastern adepts

Some Westerners have also mastered these abilities. These also include 

trance states, trance-channelling and out of body experiences.

Healing States and Spontaneous Remission of Disease. 

The Inner Healer is part of the soul and has incredible capabilities. 

The more we connect with the Creator, the

Higher Self as well as faith, belief, trust and surrender the more we 

empower the Inner Healer and subordinate the fear that sabotages the 

miracle of healing. Even spontaneous remission of diseases that 

have defied the best of what Western medicine has to offer, is possible.


 is the ability of a guru or a spiritual avatar to mobilize the 

Kundalini by imparting it to the student, usually with touch. Shaktipat 

is a process where, through grace, a guru can transfer this 

energy and vibration to a devotee who is ready.  This 

cannot be imposed by force nor can the receiver make it happen. 

San Bushmen healers were 

said to shoot "invisible arrows" into an initiate having difficulty 

breaking into the trance state to help them attain out of body spirit 

flight. Their process may be similar to Shaktipat.


Spiritual crisis can occur with the radical, uncontrollable, movement of 

Kundalini in the body. This mislabelled "psychosis"  is a serious side 

effect of  Kundalini energy overwhelming a spiritual neophyte 

or others that have no guidance about how to recognize and handle 

this calamity.

 Lee Sannella, a psychiatrist, wrote a book on the Kundalini 

Experience showing how its misdiagnosis could lead not only to

ineffectiveness but the abortion of a vital spiritual process,

as well as the side effect from anti-psychotic drugs. 

Time, space and matter comprise our physical universe and the source of power lies beyond the material, beyond time, space and matter.


"Out there beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing, there 

is a Field. I will meet you there." Rumi

 In addition to Self-Realization or "Becoming" (a term the 

Ancestors prefer) some other phenomena

just short of this advanced state include;

 Being, Awareness and Awakening,

contact with the “Field” and receiving downloads from spirit while 

awake or asleep.

More intimacy with the Self/Soul, one's 

destiny as well as contact with one's guides especially in dreams.

The strengthening of Faith, Belief, Hope, Trust and Surrender.

When we open our heart chakras and embrace compassion 

and empathy a natural consequence is developing more  

forgiveness, gratitude, happiness and meaning in our lives.

In other words ...

As our practice deepens, we rise up the Tree of Life or the chakra hierarchy and our transformation increases as follows. 

Initially we temper our fears and our lower survival, energy centers. Next, we begin to experience increasing levels of humility as we subordinate ego and become non-attached to the material and the grooming of the persona with "stuff." 

Then we encompass more love and have the ability to see the divine in others as we open our hearts. We "Sweeten" our judgments and when we judge, we judge the action and not the person.

Eventually we become more truly expressive of our real Selves and whichever core strength we possess. We get in touch with this signature strength, or better still our true destiny path given to us by the Creator. 

Just below the crown we subordinate doubt, denial, cynicism, resignation, detachment and hopelessness to hope, faith, belief, trust and surrender and even develop a personal connection with the Infinite One. We may also develop more intuitive powers from opening the Third Eye or the sephira of Wisdom.

Walk the path with awareness of both the something and the nothing, of the realm of what is sensed and known and the realm of what is neither sensed nor known.

Each experience of this awareness is a moment between moments, a dancing in the mystery of the void….where one encounters the Source of pow

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