Saturday, September 7, 2024



Shamanic rituals or “magical” energetic techniques that take the patient out of his or her normal mind set can be very powerful in changing an underlying negative thought process to that of; 

anything being possible. 

We should not be limited by the dogma that the medical profession has created about how our bodies and especially our Inner Healers work.

“The great source of both the misery and disorders of human life seems to arise from overrating the difference between one permanent situation and another…” Adam Smith

Guided imagery and imagination are powerful tools that can be invoked in healing, curing and anything else. 

No matter what we think may happen, what will ultimately manifest will usually be determined by what resides in our subconscious. The subconscious can be primed positively around sleep or in a meditative state with sensory driven stimulation and affirmations (usually music plus or minus relaxing visuals, especially of nature.)

As you think it so it can be. As you imagine and believe it so it will be.

To think like God is to think with imagination.

 Optimists are likely to be more successful than pessimists because of the positive thoughts that reside in their subconscious. Pessimism can be changed with imagination, belief and especially faith which is stronger than belief. It is best not to use negative words like, never or not, in our imaginatings (such as never doubt, nothing and never, in the quotes below.) Affirmations should always have positive wording to support the subconscious.

"Know what you want, decide when you want it, figure your plan of action, follow through on it, and never doubt. 
Unless an action is rightly thought out and its steps rightly planned, every stage of its performance will probably remain vague and therefore unsatisfactory for the doer and all those concerned.” 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

“What you put your attention on grows strong in your life. 

What you see (imagine) you become. 

If we think of defeat that is what we will get. 

If we are undecided then nothing will happen for us. 

Never think of failure at all. 

We must pick something great to do and then do it. 

Doubts are death. Doubts are the dry rot of life.” 

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Use the mind, do not let the mind use you.

The mind must mind what the mind minds best.


Spacious or Big Mind rather than Monkey or Narrow Mind!

Monkey or Narrow Mind is constantly chattering unhelpful messages of delusion to us. Spiritual practice or relaxation techniques can help us to subordinate Monkey Mind to Spacious Mind.

Magical rituals - and entheogens used by shamans especially in North and South America and increasingly in the West - can help us get out of a negative mind-set that inhibits the Inner Healer from rising to its full potential. 

The healing or curing effect - apart from the patient's belief - can be enhanced by the healer’s abilities to channel divine healing energy from the "Field" to the sufferer. 


These qualities can also empower the Inner Healer: 

Being flexible, creative, resilient, adaptable, accepting and committing to the challenge, taking control, having a sense of humor and using comedy for healing, being congruent with whom we truly are and not being a pleaser. Some who survived could even be cantankerous and difficult – their main objective being their wellness.

So-called “cathartic conversion experiences” or transcendental, Kundalini occurrences can occur such as:

An experience of heat especially in the area of the disease such as a burning fire in the chest or pelvis where the illnes is, vibrational or electricity or lightning like energy moving in the body, peak (oneness) experiences, feelings of transcendence, being transported beyond oneself, sensations of intense love, empathy or compassion, out of body experiences, shamanic-like states and connecting with spirit guides or ancestors in dreams or real time.

These properties contrast strongly compare to a head down, hopeless, helpless, anxious, apathetic, depressed and dejected attitude. 

Viktor Frankl was a holocaust survivor who never relinquished his grasp of life’s meaning nor his sense of equanimity in the death camps as did those who had goals like wanting to write a book or seeing a loved one again. The way prisoners imagined their lives had a lot to do with their outcomes. The physically stronger ones did not necessarily prevail over the seemingly weaker ones.


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