Sunday, October 30, 2016

In this and the next blogs I am including more songs from the spirit world. You can do an active imaginary meditation on ANY aspect letting the vibration of the music help you.
(Though the theme here has more to do with; Rites of Passage, Wilderness Rapture, Nature, the Elements, the Directions, the Four Being of Nature and Kundalini...) 

In Kabbalah's Six Directions;
 the North is the place of the Water element and the Growing Beings (Uriel - light, illumination, mystery.)
The East, Air and Wild Beings (Michael - loving kindness and "shining.") 
The South, Fire and Talking Beings (Rafael - healing and "cleansing.")
The West, Earth element and Still Beings (Gabriel - strength, courage and "blending.")
Down; receive, accept, dream.
Up; Shechina, the feminine presence of the Divine, giving blessings and bounty (the Yoga equivalent is Shakti.)
You can ask help and support from any of these Archangels and Polarities depending on their particular strengths.
(the last two blogs included songs on Isaiah's vision of these Beings, and the elements of Earth, Sea, Sky which you can revisit if you would like to compliment the meditation.)

This week I am including songs on; Water and Fire
and also a  Celtic Prayer (see below for the links.) 
It may help to first go back on any relevant blogs for any insights you need/want to focus on. 
The Water and Fire as well as Earth, Sea, Sky are also on my web site ( - go to videos) - as video induced meditations if you prefer. These were shot in the pristine bush at our Healing Center in the Soutpansberg mountains of South Africa before it was closed down.

Celtic Prayer 

Take any theme that has meaning for you and use the music to induce a meditative state or imagination on any aspect that pops into your head and then follow it 
(or do anything else that you prefer - no rules.)
It might be good to start with some real experience in (or out of) nature where and when you recall being in perfect balance with the cosmos.

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