Sunday, August 20, 2017


In the previous blogs we have talked about ways to remedy ego, judgment and desirous attachment such as active and passive meditation, silence, nature, sounds and song, the breath and using the senses in other ways to connect with heart and soul.
There is no question that...

... but is also the hardest challenge we have to master. When it comes to karma we will be accountable to the extent we loved all four of the beings, not just the talking ones. The Bushmen healers say that to heal we have to open our hearts and love others no matter what we think of them. The yogis agree that of all the chakras the heart chakra is the most difficult to open. The Ancestors teach on love; "there is only one truth..."

The Creator loves us no matter what we do. Hence karma is built as a default into the soul and the law of cause and effect which determines future incarnations will allow us to perfect the soul.  One of the biggest impediments to the spiritual seeker is judgment. We do not need to judge others or ourselves but rather have compassion for their and our misdeeds since karma is relentless. When we cross the veil between the worlds there will be a spiritual tribunal on the other side to account for our souls' blemishes. 

The Ancestors teach...
There are ten Sephirot in the Tree of Life (Faith or Daat is not a true sephira.)
There are five sephirot denoting the five polarities where love can be expressed (designated below by a heart symbol.) The other five sephirot are called the five judgments (or fears.) There are only two basic feelings, love and fear. We need to decide what we want to embrace with our understands, judgments, attachments as well as being resident in a sentient or sensory body at Kingdom in the lowest sephira. How we balance these polarities and their triangles will determine how much we are fear versus love based and whether we contract (--) or expand (+)
Love or Fear
It all depends where we place the two: horizontally; --; or one horizontal one vertical; +
We need understanding, judgment and attachment 
just as we need wisdom, mercy and non attachment. 
Each have their dark side and both need continuous balance and fine tuning with spiritual practice - whatever method or methods work for us. We decide whether we soar or plummet.

Our guides as well as energy or anatomy maps, spiritual awareness and truth ("the truth will set you free...") and a 
regular, sustainable, enjoyable spiritual practice or practices are all essential.

The Ancestors

Click on the link to highlight then play and if you like meditate.

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