Sunday, September 30, 2018


The Ancestors

So lets look at Genesis again through another story a basic archetype which has existed since the beginning of tie and plays out in our culture and most popular movies.
This is my "story" -  biased by what I believe and have learned. 
Why not make your own story?

Big Bang - maybe 13 billion or so years ago

Big Gap

Australopithecus 2-3 million years
Homo habilis and erectus - less than that

(Big gap but not as big)


The earth was unformed and void (maybe after the Big Bang and Paleo humans) and darkness was upon the face of the waters and the spirit of God hovered over the waters. And God said let there be light. # 1.

Let the firmament (interstellar space or heaven) divide the waters from the waters - the waters above from the waters below. 
(No biblical scholar is sure what the waters above means but commonly its attributed to clouds and rain.) # 2.

He then gathered the waters and there was dry land, the earth and the Growing Beings. # 3.

Then placed the moon and the stars by night for the seasons. # 4.

 He created the Wild Beings of the ocean and the air (birds in the beginning were actually dinosaurs.) # 5.

Then followed the Wild Beings of the earth, and Adam and Eve who were given dominion. 

i.e. Homo sapiens & consciousness.  # 6.

He rested on day 7, the Sabbath, and we are required to do so too (maybe to ponder the mystery with awe which in itself is spiritual practice.)
This awe is manifested in David's psalms and the writings of the Sufi poets.
The six days of creation could also have been 
Six Epochs. 

Science and the bible compliment each other. We are given free will to choose whether to believe in one - the other - or both. There is no reason not to choose both. Paradox must become part of our way of thinking to find the truth. Quantum physics is paradoxical and uncertain as in Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.

No-one knows when we developed human consciousness which is vastly different to the consciousness of Wild, Growing and Still Beings who have their own vibration and consciousness.

This is the essence of the Genesis story which is timeless. Its a story about consciousness. Humans were given free will to chooses between good and evil in the Garden of Eden. Ancient wisdom and now neuroscience with functional M.R.I. studies confirm that we have a Higher or Spacious mind or Buddha mind in the prefrontal lobe and a Narrow or Monkey mind - our survival response (which is also what animals have) - in the more primitive areas of our brains. Ancient wisdom adds that Spacious mind (our higher notions,) Narrow mind (our primitive impulses) and Ego form a triad that is always in flux. If we subordinate 
our evil inclination to our good inclination,
 and ego and Narrow mind to Spacious mind 
we develop a higher, Buddha or Christ consciousness. If the reverse occurs, we have the opposite. 

 There was also a Tree of Life in the Garden, a key archetype for regaining Eden and accessing Spacious mind and being admitted back into paradise, the pure land in Buddhism, the Causal realm in Yoga. However, the Creator appointed the Cherubim with the flaming swords to guard the way back into the Garden. No-one can reenter unless they are worthy.  The key to controlling Monkey mind and ego and subordinating them to Spacious or Big mind is spiritual practice combined with the power of spiritual knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Science omits MEANING in creation and to be science, has to do so.

 The San Bushmen have been carefully studied as a possible remote link between us as hunter gatherers and early homo sapiens. When one visits with the San they appear to be very sophisticated spiritually. They seem to have developed a harmonious and happy cooperative society in spite of the punishing and unforgiving Kalahari desert where water is a luxury. On my any visits to them especially the early ones in 1987 when they were living mostly as hunter-gatherers they appeared to be non judgmental, humble, egalitarian (they had no leader,) with an unconditional love for children and an unconditional positive regard for each other. It was all for one - one for all where scant provisions and water were always generously shared. 
Sadly the more contact they have with us the more they realize how much "stuff" they do not have. 
Like most indigenous cultures who have lost their spiritual heritage and habitat they replace it with a different form of "spirit." The San Bushmen trance dance is a highly sophisticated form of out of body travel, practiced today where they connect with the spirit world for non local information that helps the clan. Rock art in the Apollo cave in Namibia shows they were doing this nearly 27,000 years ago (video of a dance in 2000 on my web site at  Maybe the the Garden of Eden is also a metaphor for the San's journey which began some time prior to 30,000 years ago. They have only recently been kicked out of their garden. 

Information is not to be equated with knowledge
Knowledge is not to be equated with understanding
Understanding is not to be equated with wisdom and knowing
And wisdom is not to be equated with virtue
The Ancestors

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