Sunday, October 7, 2018


The Garden of Eden is the most popular universal archetype of consciousness. However, it is not meant to be a dissertation on evolution or the quantum physics of the Big Bang. The bible left that information to future scholars and never refuted that there was more to come. The bible says we were made in the Creator's image which means we all have the potential to be a microcosmic version of the Divine. Out of our historical reservoir came brilliant minds and the miracle of science, because we are a micro-holographic representation of the power of Divine imagination. We should hope that the knowledge gleaned will improve and not destroy the planet. 
This brings us back to choice and the Garden of Eden experience which is living itself out today in the play of light and dark often highlighted in some of the most popular movies such as Star Wars as well as Caine killing his brother Abel. 
However brilliant we may become we will never be able to make Something out of Nothing, as did the Creator. 

Consciousness, which science does not discuss, is complicated and involves karma, the unrelenting wheel of samsara or reincarnation and as mentioned in a previous blog; 
the power of Free will balanced between our 
Good and 
Evil inclination. 
It also has to do with the triad of; 
Spacious mind (our higher notions,) 
Narrow or our primitive, survival, Monkey mind 
and Ego. 
This triad is always in flux together with our inclination to good or to do evil (our shadow side.) To the extent we subordinate our Shadow, Monkey mind and Ego to our Good inclination and Spacious mind and not the reverse we recognize the principles of  ancient wisdom. Our spirit guides are there to help us, the tricksters to sabotage us. This template was laid down In the Beginning in Genesis where we given domain over the other Beings, to do good and not evil and to perfect the Great Spirit's creation within our microcosmic existence made in the image of the Divine. We are here to co-create with the Divine.

Many do not believe in these consciousness concepts and more than ever the drive is towards irresponsible or responsible hedonism and live for today for tomorrow we die. Dawkins, who believes that anyone who believes in a Creator suffers from delusion is a protagonist for responsible hedonism based on Darwin's theory which also speaks to the advantage of evolutionary social responsibility. Dawkins and most scientists are living in a 1% world disbelieving in many of the credible mysteries around us that science cannot prove. They thrive on information and knowledge which on their own can be spiritually bereft and incomplete without understanding, wisdom and inner knowing. The paranormal is just the normal that we cannot explain. 
Moreover, this attitude falls far short of consciousness, ancient wisdom and the Ancestors' teaching; 
"if the law does not serve love, do not serve the law!"
The law often has little to do with love and morality. This kind of limiting attitude impoverishes lives and disallows us any appreciation of the magic around us. In order to see magic and the miraculous we first have to believe it exists.
The Ancestors also tell us;
to take the truth from whence it comes 
and we know that not everything around us can be proven.
Also that
when you no longer need to be right that the purity of your soul will shine through.

Buddhists say they are the ultimate hedonists because Buddhism holds the key to happiness and some control over the four rivers of suffering; uncontrolled, birth, sickness, aging and death. 
Any seeker on a meaningful path towards spiritual perfection is the bird eating of the "fruit" while the skeptic look on.
We know especially from Quantum physics that our scientific knowledge is sadly deficient and we are having to live more and more within the truths of paradox - that the opposite can also be true. 

Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle states that; 
"the more precisely the position of some particle is determined (now know to be a wave and not a particle) the less precisely its momentum can be known."
This very much sounds to my non physicist mind like; the more you know the less you know.
The observer effect is also confounding to Newtonian concepts and
... "that measurements of certain particle systems cannot be made without changing and affecting something in the system. There is no separation between the observer and the observed - they are part of the same system."
We are leaving Newtonian physics behind and now appreciating that we are living in a quantum universe full of paradoxes and secrets.

This interaction does not diminish with distance (the observer can be in a place remote from the experiment for the same observer effect to occur.) 
It can act as fast as the speed of light.
It links up locations without crossing space (experiments done on remote viewing at Stanford were controlled by sealing the observer in a lead lined chamber where no electromagnetic or ultrasound or anything else could enter to account for the observer's descriptions of the remote venue.)
Action at a distance is real and not localized in space and time.

If we extrapolate from this microcosm to our macrocosm
We are all one though not the same.

There is magic and miracles all around us, both the magic of the ordinary and the extraordinary. We just have have to be able to see them through a broader vision unconfined by the limitations of science. The essence of this is having a sense of awe and mystery. Dawkins book, The God Delusion, discounts anything that science cannot explain which leads to a loss of the miraculous around us.

Neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, like most neuroscientists, always believed that the Near Death Experience was just a chemical expression of a hallucinating brain starved of oxygen. After having his own N.D.E. he is now an avid believer in a Creator, an after-life and spirit guides (in his book Proof of Heaven.) - as are those who have had an N.D.E. 

A good psychic or shaman can give one "quantum" information not localized in space and time by channelling it from the "Field" or the spirit world. In the reading ...
"Not localized in space" tells us that he or she can be in one place and you even in another country and the information channelled will still be the same as if they were sitting in front of you. 
Not localized in time may be telling of something that happened in the past or even is going to happen in the immediate future that is being revealed and is real.

The laws we have imposed on the natural world are limited and we inhibit ourselves by being confined to them. We are learning that D.N.A. and the brain are plastic whereas before they were thought to be cut in stone. Meditation can lengthen telomeres in the D.N.A. More than 60 cases of incurable diseases that defied the best Western medicine had to offer had spontaneous remissions when visiting Lourdes, (all documented by the Vatican Medical Commission.)
Our bodies are not solid at all but mostly empty space surrounded by orbiting vibrating micro particles.
Olgar Worrall, who was not a quantum physicist but a spiritual healer, understood this.

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