Sunday, October 13, 2019


What other methods can we use to help us get beyond grief, sorrow and sadness ?
In line with the prior endorsement for song being one of the most powerful, there are more of these on today's blog than usual (if you choose.) It's often best to sing yourself out of grief.


Norman Cousins cured himself of a debilitating autoimmune disease by watching funny movies. He wrote a book about it called Anatomy of an Illness. Hunter Campbell who inspired the movie Patch Adams opened a clinic for using humor as medicine. A good belly laugh especially has been shown to potentiate the immune system. The vigorous movement of the diaphragm is also thought to stimulate the vagus nerve inducing a relaxation response. 

In spite of this truth below it is useful to look at other benefits of laughter.

Alexander Lowen the founder of Bio-energetic psychotherapy believes that the convulsive actions of uncontrolled laughter frees up muscular tension releasing armoring and locked in holding patterns thus freeing up energy and emotions. Laughing can lead to crying, which is also a powerful healing modality for the cardiovascular system. Like laughing, crying induces endorphin release. Both decrease sympathetic tone. 
These effects also occur during yoga and with body work in its various forms.

E.M.D.R. or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is proving to be a powerful form of therapy for relieving psychological stress in anxiety, depression, P.T.S.D. and various addictions including eating disorders. Directing eye movements  can allow constructive exposure to negative memories and thoughts which can be reformulated positively with the help of an experienced therapist. The stimulation may include "Tapping" which is thought to have a positive effect on acupuncture meridians and also release and relieve negative emotions.

The Ancestors tell us to
 be careful of what we taste and where we immerse.
  Avoidance of adverse stimuli is essential for healing.

We are inundated and manipulated in our daily lives with negative events in the media and elsewhere because these more easily get our attention. However, they also have harmful effects on the psyche and can aggravate grief. 

The Ancestors

They emphasize the benefits of gratitude as spiritual practice in our daily endeavors ...
Click on the link to highlight - then play

By doing service and helping others we can get beyond our grief. Buddhism tells us to take our suffering and make something useful out of it. 
It heals to help and helps to heal.
The Ancestors

It is never too late to take one's metaphoric boat out of the safe harbor, and take the risk of going of a hero/ine's journey to find more meaning and help consolidate one's archetype and core strength. More meaning will relieve grief in life.

An Ancestor or spirit guide practice can help us feel we are not alone.

The Creator also wants a personal relationship with each one of us even if we are not able to see, hear or feel Him/Her. 
Kabbalah tells us that God plays Hide and Seek but no-one wants to play or few realize that this is possible. We have to listen for the still, silent, soft voice of the Divine to have this confirmed.
Seek Me and you will find Me
Search for Me with all your heart and I will let you find Me. Jeremiah

A connection with our spirit guides is somewhat easier to fathom than one with the Creator.  They can come to us especially in dreams and day time intuitions.

The Ancestors
The Ancestors

Jesus said; "ask and you will receive."
This is true of the Creator as well as our guides.
Our spirit guides need to be asked so we can receive -
 free will is the cosmic law!
Click to highlight then play
Asking is best done through the medium of an ancestral or spirit guide altar. They can help us and in return they need our gratitude, love and forgiveness. We raise them up as the Zulus say when we pay them attention.
For those who want more details you can download and

(As I recall the part on the altar is toward the end if you do not want to listen to the hour plus talk.)

Click on the link to highlight then play


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