Saturday, August 8, 2020

Judgment #2

When one looks at the chakra system we see that our third chakra, our power center or the way we make our way in the world, is the chakra immediately below the diaphragm. The three lower chakras attend to our survival needs and this is where the three deadly sins reside. There are four chakras above the diaphragm which connect us to our spiritual needs. The heart or fourth chakra above the diaphragm, is the energy center of love which embraces; compassion, empathy and forgiveness.  The yogis affirm that this is the hardest chakra to open and judgment with ego and desirous attachment are the main factors getting in the way of moving kundalini energy upwards.           

The heart chakra is represented by the symbol of a hexagon. If we look at the lower three points we can take them to represent these Three Deadly Karmic sins which reside in our lower chakras - most notably in the third power chakra .

Similarly, in the Tree of Life, Tiferet (beauty or harmony) is the sephirah (energy center) of love in the center or “heart” of the Tree. It is balanced above by connections to the sephirot of Mercy on the right and Judgment on the left which form a triad with Tiferet at the apex below. The Kabbalists teach that once the student has mastered Tiferet he and she can teach themselves.
Yesod (Foundation) below Tiferet, like the third chakra, signifies Ego and is balanced above by the triad of Netzach on the right and Hod on the left. These two sephirot are somewhat mysterious but one interpretation is that they also signify Non-Attachment and Attachment respectively. It is interesting that in Kabbalah, Judgment is higher up on the Tree than Ego (Yesod) or Desirous Attachment (Hod) below it. Judgment is harder to control than the other two and is a more advanced energy level to be mastered with the help of its opposite - Mercy. 
 “As above so below, as below so above, as within so without.”       
Our actions and our judgments have affects not only at a planetary and individual level but also at a cosmic level. The ancestors teach that we create pockets of positive angelic like energy when we practice acts of kindness.
“Our judgments, thoughts, feelings and actions all have connections not just in the material world but in the spiritual realm (and the subconscious.) The spiritual, influences the material. We invite, support, encourage or exclude, reject, discourage…” The Ancestors
“These manifestations can be nothing less than divine beings, angels, concentrations of energy that constantly flit in and out of existence. We create them and bring them into being with our thoughts, words, deeds, feelings but can erase them in the same way.” The Ancestors

We do the opposite with negative and harmful words, deeds or actions.

     “Just as easily we can create malevolent beings, negative energy demons who hinder us on the path of transformation.”  The Ancestors
Practice random acts of kindness while not expecting pay back. Have gratitude, pay forward and more happiness will splash back to us.   
                         We think that in the natural way of things, what we give lessens our supply. "The soul does not work this way - with the soul, giving increases supply." The Ancestors
"Each of us occupies a unique position in space and time. No one else and nothing else can be in the same position. Therefore, for each of us, as we know the universe - so it is ...                                                         but our angle of view encompasses an infinite number of other co-existing universes from which we are viewed. Consequently, whatever happens in one position affects all the universe in some manner."       G. E. Kelley
The Butterfly Effect, suggests that when a butterfly flaps its wings in Tokyo a tornado can occur in Tennessee. In other words a small change can make much bigger changes happen. 
Similarly at a local rather than a cosmic level we recognize these positive effects as congruence within us and the Maharishi effect outside of us as our vibration spreads beyond us. Maharishi university found that if a critical number of people in a city were meditating the crime rate would drop. This has been called the Maharishi effect.    

Both Gandhi and the Buddha taught that our thoughts become our words, our words our behavior and habits, our behavior and habits our values and our values our destiny. What we think and say have huge ramifications.                                                                            
The Subconscious. Do not condemn others who are rich, lucky, honest or dishonest. Do not judge or covet. Covetousness is the darker side of judgment. It comes from a heart of envy and can cause damage within and without. We cannot attract what we condemn. This will negatively imprint our subconscious. No matter what we think we think with the conscious mind we will act out what resides in the subconscious. The subconscious is like a recording device, recording, impartially all that we think or say. The subconscious is subject to Narrow (Monkey) Mind’s domination as well as our prior experiences and life times (what the Buddhists call our “Store Consciousness.”) Our thoughts and words go back to us like a reflection from a mirror. We become our thoughts as they impregnates our subconscious. What we say is Self-reflective –  polluting the Higher Self - tainting the Soul.
“We are all climbing toward the summit of our hearts’ desires. Should the other climber steal your sack and your purse and wax fat on the one and heavy on the other, you should pity him. The climbing will be harder for his flesh and the burden will make his way longer. And should you in your leanness see his flesh puffing upward, 
help him in a step, it will add to your swiftness.” Anonymous   

We need to not get angry at things we cannot change and especially, for that matter, for things we can change. 

I regret to say that the new Google blogger design is disallowing me to insert a song to play. Apologies. 

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