Sunday, September 6, 2020



The intention for this new blog is to help us get more intimate with Nature, so that we can get comfort from her and she can also sustain our loving support during these difficult times for the planet and ourselves.

So what is consciousness? Tesla was ahead of his time and other scientists when he said ...

This "Core" has many names.
He also stated that if we wanted to discover the secrets of the universe we should think of frequency and vibration.

Rupert Sheldrake's concept of consciousness tallies with that of indigenous wisdom, Eastern philosophy and also with that of the Ancestors. 

Consciousness is outside of the brain and it was "Consciousness" that created order after the chaos of the Big Bang billions of years ago. This resulted in the miracle of the elements, our planet, nature and the cosmos. The Four Beings evolved much later into an already conscious universe motivated by the Creator's intent.

 Materialistic, Newtonian reductionism embraced by the thinking of the bulk of scientists and neuroscientists maintains that consciousness is just the software residing in the computer of our brains.  Consciousness must therefore be limited by being confined to the brain. Order then arose mysteriously by chance and natural selection out of chaos?? Richard Dawkins who wrote The God Delusion and has a huge following states dogmatically; "consciousness is not a mystery it is matter", that religion is insanity and that anyone who believes in God is an idiot because you cannot prove His/Her existence. Einstein, however, with due humility, counters by saying;

 "Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts."

He also said;

"There are two ways to live your life, one, that nothing is a miracle and the other, that everything is a miracle."

A purely materialistic viewpoint to my way of thinking leads to a meaningless, depressing, purposeless and negative idea of the miracle of our universe. The denial of life after death and negating that consciousness lives on only aggravates this state of being. Can we prove it definitively? Probably not and never will, but it surely looks convincing if we study ancient wisdoms and look at the empirical evidence. Anyone who has doubts about near death experiences  confirming this belief should read  Eben Alexander's book - Proof of Heaven - on his personal N.D.E. He is a neurosurgeon who doubted the existence of life after death prior to this event. Consciousness does not die.

Sheldrake goes on to say that consciousness embraces the idea of possibility, choice and imagination. Nothing is fixed. 

We are all vibrating particles orbiting in empty space with only the appearance of being solid. We are mostly space (and 70% water as we will discuss later) but herein lies our unique vibratory potential. We know now that D.N.A. and the brain are not fixed, they have plasticity.

Quantum physics is faced with the dilemma that particles are hard to study because they change their behavior when they are observed. Everything is conscious to some extent – even at the level of particles. 

Placebo - the power of belief to help heal and cure, also changes things. Placebo can be enhanced well beyond the usual 30% found in the randomized double blind controlled trials used in medicine. The stronger the belief, the more profound the effect, sometimes resulting in spontaneous remission of diseases that have defied even the best that modern medicine has to offer. This miracle must be happening at the level of the "particles" in D.N.A. reconstituting themselves and their vibration. 

The concept of the non-locality of consciousness is real. Stanford researchers and the C.I.A. showed that distant viewing by those who have that particular expertise can be proven. Place the viewer in a lead lined chamber and send someone unknown to the viewer to a destination that only the researchers know and the viewer will be able to describe that locale in great detail. If distant viewing can be proven then it's easy to understand the concept of distant diagnosis. One can call a psychic, shaman or a "medical intuitive" who knows nothing about you and you may well get an accurate appraisal of what is wrong. Double blind studies have also shown that distant healing or prayer works even if the patient does not know they are being healed or prayed for, i.e. no placebo response is present. 

Diagnostic information can be received and healing energy can be transmitted from a distance. These phenomena are non-local in space and time and occur outside of our brains.

Quantum physicists have been perplexed that our galaxies seem to be achieving an impossible feat. They are rotating with such speed that the gravity generated by their observable matter could not possibly hold them together. They should have torn themselves apart long ago. Scientists believe that something we cannot see is at work. This strange and unknown matter is called “dark matter” since it is not visible. What we know to be visible matter in the universe is only 5% of matter, Dark Matter is 27%. 

The Kogi believe that there is darkness in the sky that has huge sustaining power. They also believe that they are here to help save the planet which is in danger of dying. For those interested in more check out the link 

Aluna: There is no life without thought - SolTech › aluna

or better still watch the movie, its well worth the time ...

The Zohar speaks of the reality we can apprehend with the senses as being only one percent of the universe. Today’s astronomers agree that this is so, explaining how nature has hidden most of the matter in the universe and hidden it in a form that cannot be readily detected.      The Ancestors

The Zohar also affirms that ...

As something arose out of nothing, it is possible that without this ongoing divine consciousness and intent, 

nothing could arise out our something if this power was withdrawn.

Many spiritual traditions; the Zohar, the Oran Mor' of the Druids and Celts, and the Hindu's Nada Brahma (the universe is sound) -  believe that in the beginning the Word was really sound or song,

Researchers of cymatics, the physics of sound, such as Ernest Chladni and Hans Jenny have shown that words, vowels, sound and music generate shape. The higher the frequency the more complex the pattern.  In the beginning was the word according to the Bible but ancient wisdoms also tell us that the word was in fact sound. The Creator sang the world into being. The shape of the sound and the Breath of the Divine created the Four Beings of Nature and the elements that comprise them. This may be the basis of the sacred geometry found in nature. The words and songs or sound themselves created the patterns we see in nature, many of which are sacred and used by mystics and sages over the eons.

The Ancestors teach that;

Hurricanes, tornados, typhoons are basically circular or spiral in shape. The tornado is a spiraling vortex which can levitate. Maybe it's Gaia's kundalini energy expressing anger and trying to warning us that we have to levitate our consciousness if we are to survive. When we look for sacred geometry we should also think of spirals and circles. 

Hermes, the messenger of the gods and patron of heralds carried the Caduceus. This ancient archetype comprises two snakes, as if mating, spiraling around each other around a central staff with the wings, maybe of transcendence, above. This is not dissimilar to the yoga system of chakras and the two main channels (or nadis) spiraling around the central channel and embracing the chakras. There is only one serpent in this energy system, coiled around the central channel at the base of the spine. This potential kundalini, Shakti, feminine power is dormant, waiting to be induced to move upwards by spiritual practice. When this occurs, she ascends up the central channel aligns the chakras energetically and catalyzes spiritual transformation. We are   beings with huge spiritual potential.
The symbol of the heart chakra is a hexagon - a sacred symbol. One can also see hexagons in nature for instance in the San Pedro cactus cross sectioned below. This cactus contains the entheogen psilocybin used by shamans in South America in their healing rituals. This magical plant also changes our vibration and can have profound beneficial effects. Psilocybin is now also being used by Harvard psychologists to cure depression, anxiety and similar maladies refractory to pharmacological agents and other therapies. 

A similar hexagon can be seen in the ayahuasca vision vine of the Amazon, if one connects the dots. Ayahuasca, another powerful entheogen,  also grows in a spiral often twining itself around another vine. We also mimic these circles, spirals and hexagons among the many other signs of sacred geometry in nature to attain equanimity, such as meditating by walking a labyrinth. By looking for sacred geometry in nature we can become more intimate with what she has to offer as well as heal us.

For anyone interested I am giving a Zoom talk on this subject this coming Saturday, 10am.-12pm. California time. If you register with the School you will be sent a link the day before. The link to register is at the bottom of the flyer. Be patient if the system does not let you in the first time. It can get overloaded. Try again later. 

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