Sunday, June 18, 2023




“It is our duty and our joy as human beings to proceed as though there are no limits to our abilities. We are collaborators in creation.” 

de Chardin


“People who lean on logic and philosophy and rational exposition end by starving the best part of the mind – imagination and intuition.” 

W.B. Yeats


“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge, that myth is more potent than history, that dreams are more powerful than facts ...”

 Robert Fulghum


“I think, therefore I am.” Descartes 

(We are Homo Sapiens but can also be Homo "Imaginus.")

We are the makers of myth. Invent the world as you imagine it. Do not let your learning distort your knowing. Wisdom knows the necessity of information and knowledge but is not consumed by them. There are other ways of knowing than the brain.

Consciousness is non-local and outside of the brain. Imagination’s 

consciousness connects us to the Field which can immensely enhance our potential. However, we usually are unable to imagine our lives differently to what they could be. Monkey Mind and fear get in the way of our letting go. Imagination resides in Spacious Mind.


“Live the life you have imagined.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Faith and belief fortify our imagination. 


“The thing always happens that you really believe in, and the belief in a thing makes it happen.”
Frank Lloyd Wright


“... and according to your belief, is it done unto you." Matthew

As you think it so it can be, as you believe and imagine it so it will be…

It will be given to you according to the measure of your faith.


Disbelief, denial and doubt can neutralize actualization of our imagination. 

When you have faith, are absolutely sure, resolute and feel you are completely in line with the Creator, Creation and the greater good, a decree or a vow can be very powerful! An oath to give back if the intention materializes can assist Spirit in complying with the request as long as the promise is later fulfilled. We create our reality. We are as we imagine, believe and even decree ourselves to be. 

Being absolutely sure of the road on which you want to travel and so resolute in intention that you can decree it to happen, implies you have ultimate faith. 


“You shall decree a thing and it will be established for you and the light will shine upon your days.” Job


Faith is more powerful than belief and can be "blind." Faith reveals proof. Faith can allow for the power of a decree! Belief requires proof and relies more on our evolving understandings. Both assist the subconscious. It is acceptable to doubt and still have trust but not to deny and disbelieve. Even though we do not believe fully; the power of suggestion and a positive subconscious can prevail.  Belief does not have to be universally "true,” just true for you. 

Imaging is essential for the subconscious to change.” Remain faithful to that image. Affirm! Repeat! Maintain! Sustain! And with time one will actualize.

Professional athletes that use guided imagery of their routines as training before an event have shown it to be as effective as the practice itself. The same is true for sensory driven (usually with music,) guided imagery for healing and curing disease.

Imagination is the instrument and the strings are the senses - both physical and intuitive.

Moving from where you are, to where you want to be, with the help of imagination and the subconscious.

The more we exercise imaging the more we encompass the possibilities of our human and spiritual potential to form, interiorize and actualize experiences both 
of coming into being and of passing out of being.


Romp in the playing field of the senses with imagination.


Be extravagant with imagining - Feel it in your bones! Because of the law of free will, imagination is also giving your guides, the Field, the Creator… permission to help through your context of the details provided. The universe will reward you according to the power of your passion driven by your imagination.

We are not just influences but also recipients of influences from distant places and distant times. 


Paint the picture of your life with imagination.

“Play in the exultation of the possible.” Martin Buber


Non-local intention acting at a distance can manifest. We see the proof in the power of remote viewing, distant diagnosis and distant healing. The ability of the Field, our guides and the Creator to help non-local intention is real.

Have no doubt that with words, imagination and a positive subconscious change can happen, albeit slowly.

To think as God thinks is to think with imagination. 


It is also true that as I imagine so I will be – I am Homo “Imaginus.” 

“We all have the price of sanctity in our purse...the reason we can’t purchase it is not because we are poor but because we are stingy.”

B. of Clairvoux

We need to choose which we want to be – unlimited or limited. Animals can think but only humans can imagine. The Creator imagined the multiverse into being from nothing, out of a void. We are made in the image of the Divine and have a microcosmic spark of this power. However, unlike the Creator we are only able to imagine something into being out of something else. The Infinite one can make something out of nothing.


Imagination profoundly affects the very unfolding of the universe itself. Our experience as humans is greatly influenced with the grandeur or dearth of its use or misuse.

Imagination is crucial to transforming ourselves and the world in which we live. 

Imaging is dismissed by some as fancy while others look to images as a sort of content. Imaging is a bringing into being. 

We had amazing abilities to imagine as children but this got dampened down when we attended school and were taught that fantasy and imagination had no value. 

Imagination is the elixir of God running through the universe. It is more than positive thinking. It is a dormant power unless activated by will. Intent is made real by imagining in detail, otherwise it is a map of the territory but not the territory itself. The senses enhance imaginations potential. Choice sets intent and will actualizes.


Imagination is not a figment of childish fantasy but spiritual reality called by the Self within. We co-create with the Creator.

It is not enough to follow an established path to God - God awaits our creating one.

“Imagination creates, while reason analyzes.” William Blake

Einstein claimed that his gifts of fantasy and imagination meant more to him than his cognitive abilities. He wanted to understand the mind of God. To him, the lack of imagination was a form of slavery. 


“I believe in intuition and inspiration. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research.” Albert Einstein





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