Friday, May 24, 2024




There may be some similarities in those developing the Stockholm syndrome, to children and adults who have suffered severe abuse. Because they depend entirely on their captors for survival they may develop a submissive attitude and a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity. The relationship results from a dysfunctional bond that forms between the captives and their captors. For some this will be a default in light of the danger or risk of death endured by the victims. Hostages are also extremely vulnerable to be shamed and feel shame. The shame arises out of being powerless and being forced to submit.


This may occur in a number of instances: 

In a survivor when someone sacrificed their life on their behalf. 

A soldier subjected to guilt may not be appeased by any medals s/he received for bravery if those in his command died in battle. 

Survivors after mass shootings and in battle.

 Survivors of concentration camps where multitudes perished.  

Surviving an illness that was fatal to others and with whom they had close connections (e.g. Covid.)

 Someone receiving an organ transplant that resulted from the death of the donor. 

The child of a parent who died from complications of childbirth,

 and the child survives.

 Causing an accident where someone died or was severely injured.

  Not responding appropriately when the person who died could potentially have been saved by one's intervention. 

Death of a sibling, from trauma or in the case of a prolonged illness. 

The worst kind of survivors' guilt may be a parent who has lost a child. 


The Inner Healer may be disabled in someone who feels guilty for any reason. It may be because of religious reasons and a feeling that God is punishing them for what they have done and they do not deserve to be well. God does not work in this way. 

No one really understands why some fall sick and others stay healthy including those who have done terrible things to others or even to their own health. This conundrum is epitomized by this saying...

"Anyone who is not confused here, really does not understand what is going on." Unknown


Witchcraft is effective whether one believes in it or not. Some may say it only works if you believe in it - in other words the nocebo affect - the power of belief to hurt, harm or even kill (the opposite of placebo.) 

Double blind studies have shown that distant or remote healing works even when the placebo affect is discounted. Those who are being healed from a distance do not know they are being healed by healers that are also unknown to them.

 Since the "Field" is value neutral and dark forces can also operate freely in this democratic space the same must be true for distant or remote hexing although there are no studies to prove it. Having had personal experience myself and in treating others, I can vouch for witchcraft's and sorcery's distant effectiveness. 

The power of witchcraft is enhanced in the presence of guilt or shame. If someone has wronged another and knows the victim has gone to a witch or sorcerer to deliver a hex the power of nocebo as well as the distant affect is magnified.

7 Things That Will Destroy Us 

Wealth without work  ("the bread of shame" in Kabbalah)
Pleasure without conscience
Knowledge without character
Commerce without morality
Science without humanity
Worship without sacrifice
Politics without principle
M. Gandhi 


An appropriate lack of unworthiness, guilt or shame seems to be seriously lacking today. Many appear to have lost their moral compass for a variety of reasons and one can only suspect there must be an element of unworthiness felt inside of them since they are not necessarily sociopaths or psychopaths who have no sense of shame.  

Winning seems to be the order of the day and sometimes the 'referee' is disinterested in enforcing all the rules. It has become shameful not to win. Many of us were taught that it was how you played the game that was more important than winning in sport or politically. Now if you do not win you are a loser!

 The same may be true of the legal system. The mantra "No one is above the law" seems to often fall short of the truth. 

If there is any guilt or shame at all in any of these folks who appear to rise above the law, usually in positions of power, it seems to be hidden from sight. Those in privileged situations seems to be able to literally get away with murder or the moral equivalent. Lies are the order of the day.

"A person cannot find redemption until s/he sees the flaws in his soul and ties to efface them. Whoever shuts out the realization of his flaws is shutting out redemption. We can only be redeemed to the extent to which we can see ourselves." 

"We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are. The Talmud

Is redemption even possible in these instances? 

Sometimes intense feelings of shame can affect the personality and even turn someone into a narcissist. It is easier to embrace grandiosity rather than face one's inner self. By denigrating others, the narcissist fails to acknowledge that they are only projecting their own shadow self onto others. By looking down on others and having no shame narcissists don't have to imagine there is anything wrong with themselves. The top echelons of society seems to be infiltrated by a significant number of malignant narcissists and even leaders that may be sociopaths.

"In matters of conscience the law of the majority has no place. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth." M. Gandhi


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